Now Enrolling for K2
Contact the person who posted the ad to ask for pictures
Introducing River City Christian Academy, formerly The Tabernacle Learning Center.
We are growing and changing to serve you better; The Tabernacle Learning canter has been providing quality Christian education for over 30 years and commitment to provide an excellent education for your child has not changed.
– 2nd Grade for the 2025-2026 school year. River City Christian Academy will add a grade each year through 5th Grade so come grow with us.
We will be hosting an open house on March 6th from 6:30 – 8:30. There will be refreshments, a time to meet our teachers, tour our facility and we will answer any questions regarding the school.
The address is 1978 South Boston Road, Danville VA 24540 and our phone number 434-433-9555.